Grade 3 ( Happiness group) learnt about plants extensively through an interesting  project called GLORIOUS GREENERY.

Project method  is a medium of instruction where the facilitator uses a collaborative approach with the learners, integrating aspects from various learning domains.We integrated languages (English and Hindi) and Art in the project. Learners explored the world of plants, starting from the journey of seed to become a plant and then how we are connected with plants emotionally and physically. We inculcated many activities like germination, growing plants, experiments related to essential elements plants need to grow, salad making and list of plants around us. These activities not only give learners experiential experience but also generate enthusiasm for learning.We concluded the project with a presentation which included a story composed by kids, Hindi poem recitation (on the parts of the plant) and a short quiz for parents.

हमारी  कविता 

कल जब मैं गई टहलने तो मुझे……

नन्हा सा एक बीज  मिला,

गोल-गोल और भूरा-भूरा।

नरम नरम सा खिला खिला

मैंने उसे उठाया, नन्हें बीज को हाथ लगाया

इसके भीतर क्या क्या होगा ?

मेरे मन में आया….

इसके अंदर पौधा होगा,

जो पानी, हवा, रौशनी के बाद उगेगा।

इसके अंदर होगी जड़,

जो ज़मीन को लेगी पकड़,

जाएगी खुद नीचे और भेजेगी पत्तों को ऊपर।

इसके अंदर होगी एक चीज़,

जो होगा शायद एक और छोटा सा बीज।

इसके अंदर होंगे पत्ते,

शायद थोड़े छोटे और थोड़े से बड़े!

      This project was a true example of how learning can be fun.