Creating your own literature imaginatively (Grade 1)

 कविता को आगे बढ़ाना – चाँद की रोटी, पानी में आई  फिर भी मछली, खा नहीं पाई।  इस कविता को हमनें बच्चों के द्वारा आगे बढ़ाया। कविता आगे बढ़ाने का हमारा उद्देश्य यह था कि बच्चे अपने विचार को कविता के द्वारा व्यक्त कर पाएँ और  उनकी सोचने की क्षमता बताने तक सीमित न रहकर...

Digital Design by Prakriti Learners

Prakriti learners from Grades 5-7 had created digital animation to showcase their imaginitive stories of Truth and Courage. They deployed Scratch application to build their projects and used interesting mix of voice-over, text over speech and programming scratch...
Education World Ranks Prakriti as Noida’s #2

Education World Ranks Prakriti as Noida’s #2

We are happy to begin the new year with the news of Prakriti having been ranked 2nd in NOIDA and 7th in NCR under International Day School category by Education World. International Day School category is for schools who follow international (non CBSE/ICSE) curriculum...

Prakriti Learners Win the Environment Quiz at DLRC Pune

Our Luminosity (Grade 6) and Unity (Grade 7) group learners have won top laurels at DLRC School Pune. In the separately organised quizzes on environment and climate change, two groups each from Luminosity and Unity Groups, received the first and third prizes, while...