Virtual Science Fair

Our learners of Grade 6-8 presented their observations in Science through their experiments  and creative ideas in a virtual science fair. They performed these experiments live and discussed the results against the hypotheses. See our young scientists in action...

Presentation of Learning in Music by Grades 1-3

Our Grades 1,2,3 spent last four months learning Indian classical vocals and flute guided by Arupa Roy, a renowned music and dance artist. The children from the grades: Joy (Grade 1), Rainbow (2) and Sunrise (3) took part in Music POL with great enthusiasm. We were...

Soft Robotics Workshop (Feb 2021)

Prakriti conducted the Soft Robotics Workshop this month in association with education researchers from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Harvard University (Biodesign Lab) for our Grade Seven – Unity Group learners. The goal of the workshop was to...

Book Club, Power of Mantras and MathLab

Our learners warmed themselves up with several stimulating workshops during this winter-break. We had organised a Book Reading Club on The Last Gambit (Om Swami), a knowing and chanting session on Vedic Mantras and hands-on sessions on Experiential Mathematics. The...
Akbari Lota: Learning Language with Theatre

Akbari Lota: Learning Language with Theatre

 A Hindi play ‘Akbari Lota’ staged by our Unity Group Learners. It was developed during Hindi learning sessions where a story written by Annapurnanand Verma was adapted into a play.   The play uses humour to deliver the message of compassion, kindness and...