by Prakriti | Mar 17, 2021 | General
Our learners of Grade 6-8 presented their observations in Science through their experiments and creative ideas in a virtual science fair. They performed these experiments live and discussed the results against the hypotheses. See our young scientists in action...
by Prakriti | Mar 9, 2021 | General
Our Grades 1,2,3 spent last four months learning Indian classical vocals and flute guided by Arupa Roy, a renowned music and dance artist. The children from the grades: Joy (Grade 1), Rainbow (2) and Sunrise (3) took part in Music POL with great enthusiasm. We were...
by Prakriti | Feb 26, 2021 | General
Prakriti conducted the Soft Robotics Workshop this month in association with education researchers from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Harvard University (Biodesign Lab) for our Grade Seven – Unity Group learners. The goal of the workshop was to...
by Prakriti | Jan 20, 2021 | General
Our learners warmed themselves up with several stimulating workshops during this winter-break. We had organised a Book Reading Club on The Last Gambit (Om Swami), a knowing and chanting session on Vedic Mantras and hands-on sessions on Experiential Mathematics. The...
by Prakriti | Jan 18, 2021 | General
A Hindi play ‘Akbari Lota’ staged by our Unity Group Learners. It was developed during Hindi learning sessions where a story written by Annapurnanand Verma was adapted into a play. The play uses humour to deliver the message of compassion, kindness and...