Science is Courageous. Science is Truthful

While learning about the History of Astronomy, the learners were asked to research on different astronomers and think did these astronomers display Truth and Courage in their lives and through their work. The learners prepared a common presentation for this.  Sharing...
Early Language Development

Early Language Development

“Every child has an imagination, an instinct for words, a dramatic faculty, a wealth of ideas, a dramatic faculty, a wealth of ideas and fancy. Instead of dry spelling and reading books, looked on as a dreary and ungrateful task, (s)he should be introduced to the most...
Presentation of Art Learning by Rainbow Group (Grade 2)

Presentation of Art Learning by Rainbow Group (Grade 2)

Last month, the learners of Rainbow Group culminated their learning on mini art projects that developed organically. We began learning art under the theme: Patterns. The aim of engaging children in Mini project was to explore patterns around them through Block...

Prakriti learner-musicians at Itihaas Anveshan Finals

The team of young Prakriti learners competed with 500 teams of adults and peers all over India to get to the finals at “ITIHAAS ANVESHAN ONLINE”. We are extremely proud of the collaborative spirit of the learners, who composed the song, designed the props,...