This week the spirit of freedom in expression and creation was visible across all the classrooms at Prakriti. While the younger learners chose to celebrate the day with what they enjoyed the most with activities ranging from making the inkblot (Prakriti’s logo), listening to stories of its origin to potting their plants. The older learners (Grade 4 onwards) interacted with their “seniors” and parents to understand their journeys at Prakriti.
Inkblots Here’s how the youngest group (Blue Group/Nursery) celebrated making works of fine art by making the inkblot they observe everyday. Our Green Group (KG) made birthday cards. a cake, and made their inkblots as well. All expanding and permeating deeper at the core.
Personal Dialogues #1: Learners from Grade 4-6 interacted with their “seniors” in Grades 7-9 to understand what they cherished, their joys and intrigues at school and what they would like to change. We present a couple of snippets here. (We regret that we had to shorten the videos of these highly interesting conversations). To watch the complete dialogues, please write to us at [email protected]
Individual Offering & Planting: Our junior primary grades sketched the parts of the school they loved the most and potted their plants at home with aspirations for the school.
Personal Dialogues #2: Our parents pitched in to reminisce the beginnings and share their joys at the school with the young learners as they posed their questions. It was heartwarming to see many parents join in, old and new, during this time especially. To watch the complete dialogues, please write to us at [email protected]