Our Grades 1,2,3 spent last four months learning Indian classical vocals and flute guided by Arupa Roy, a renowned music and dance artist. The children from the grades: Joy (Grade 1), Rainbow (2) and Sunrise (3) took part in Music POL with great enthusiasm. We were apprehensive of doing a musical performance in the online mode but that went away quickly as recorded videos came to our rescue. Some of the children also performed live and their renditions were a treat to watch. The POL began with a mesmerizing performance by Rajat Bhaiya (Music Facilitator) who played a beautiful tone on flute. We then went ahead with the Live and Recorded performances by the children. The children had performed on the songs they had been practicing in the Music sessions. It was fascinating to see them singing songs and playing flute on songs such as Jingle Bells, 500 miles, Hum honge kamyaab, Paayo ji maine ram ratan, Meera bhajan and so on. The children participated in the POL with zeal and zest and made the POL more lively. The day ended with a few surprises as some impromptu performances came our way which was a feast to our eyes and ears. We are sharing few performances of our learners: