Danish Siddiqui, father of one of the children at Prakriti and a world-acclaimed photo-journalist is no more today. However, his relentless quest for exposing the truth to raise consciousness of the society will keep him alive with us eternally. He will be a role model of truth seeking, courage and risk-taking for learners, teachers and student activists at Prakriti and other places of education. His soul-stirring photographs will continue to inspire many for purposeful journalism.
As a loving father, Danish still made time for a few of the physical events that happened at school during the lockdown. His search for progressive education had brought the family to Prakriti. He had a deep interest in inculcating the connect with the heritage and deep-rooted values of India in his children.
Prakriti Learners, parents and facilitators can express their tribute to Danish bhaiya in the school-wide prayer meeting on Wednesday, 21 July at 5PM.
May his onward journey be peaceful. May there be peace in the world.