Under the current challenging conditions when services abruptly stopped for our Bridge children the team realized that this could possibly be a prolonged and unpredictable closure. This meant our children programs will stall and fall. Along with this, our parents will not be able to access and sustain behavioural gains and guidance required.

In view of the above situation an urgent need to create online support systems was recognised and tireless weekend efforts by the team resulted in the “CRIADIGITAL Program” to be executed across CRIA centres at Shahpur Jat , Gurgaon, Faridabad and the BRIDGE program @ PRAKRITI School.
The aim was to Empower and support parents via
- Providing direct online services to children
- Parental guidance on programs
- Behavioral Guidance
- Webinars
This endeavour resulted in
- Engaging and introducing a new way of interaction.
- Maintaining gains
- Moving forward with scientifically well supported guidance
- Supporting and problem-solving as needed for the whole family of parents,children and their social partners aka therapists.
Automated zoom usage and information channels were created overnight and starting on Monday the 23rd April 2020, the 6 session pilots per center transformed into a 100+session support in 5 days. This will bloom into its 300+ sessions and multifold floor hours from the coming week. The extension of curfew on Monday evening for 21 days has further justified the sleepless hours spent on developing the “CRIADIGITAL Program” @ BRIDGE and CRIA centers at shahpurjat, gurgaon and faridabad.
This herculean task has minor glitches which are being ironed out gradually. The parents feel supported and therapists are super excited to be back with their children and some children ecstatic to have their besties back in their lives …notwithstanding across the screen !!